STARTUP trademark application in Germany with creation of the list of goods and services

1. details of the trademark

The Sartup package is booked by most of our clients as it offers excellent value for money.


395,- EUR

plus 19% VAT:

75,05 EUR

Attorney fees gross:

470,05 EUR*

*Our trademark application service is aimed exclusively at companies and the self-employed, not at consumers! All prices are net prices for 3 Nice classes and do not include official fees.

Service overview

Area of protection: Germany - 3 classes

Protection period: 10 years

plus 290 € official fees DPMA*


haek electronic trademark application at the DPMA

haek incl. preparation, examination and processing of objections to the list of goods and services
haekincl.examination and forwarding of the acknowledgement of receipt and sending of your trademark certificate
haektrademark representation vis-à-vis the DPMA for 10 years

haekNo running costs

*plus 290,- Euro official fees of the DPMA, price for 3 classes, each additional class causes further costs of 100,- Euro net and 100 Euro official fees.